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Promoting Your AsqMe Link Within LinkedIn Content
Updated over a week ago

One of the easiest and most impactful ways to promote your AsqMe link on Linkedin is by inserting it into various types of content. There are three basic approaches. These are as follows:

  1. Within a commentCommenting on a someone else's post or article gives you the opportunity to not only demonstrate your expertise, but to also inform your network that you are available to share your expertise on a one-on-one basis through AsqMe.

  2. Within your own posts or articles – Writing a LinkedIn article or post is a great way to demonstrate your expertise. Pick a topic you are passionate and knowledgeable about and include your AsqMe link at the end to let readers know you are available to share your expertise on a one-on-one basis through AsqMe.

  3. Within a newsletter – LinkedIn newsletters enable you to demonstrate your expertise and build an audience by publishing a series of articles on a regular schedule. Every newsletter edition offers a chance to share your AsqMe link and let your readers know you are available to share your expertise on a one-on-one basis through AsqMe.

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